Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Day

Asher's first day of school.  This was a day I have been dreading for selfish reasons, and looking forward to for unselfish ones(I swear!).  He is more than ready to go...he is super social, loves to learn (he's already reading some), and is just SO excited about Kindergarten.  I, on the other hand, was a wreck inside.  I see Kindergarten as the beginning of Asher being more independent in every way, which is so, so hard for me to accept. Plus, it's full day Kinder, which seems like such a long day for the little guys...and it's a bigger step for a momma to let her kiddo be gone for a full day instead of a half one.:(  Nevertheless, Asher loves it.  Just loves it.

Getting ready for the big day was fun though.  We met his teacher, Mrs. Warrick (who I specifically requested, yay!) who is a really sweet and loving teacher. I am really looking forward to him having a positive experience his first year, and I believe she's the teacher to do it.  He knows one boy in his class from church (Dallen), and has already met several others.  He didn't need a backpack this year, because the teacher gave them each a special bag to use, but he did get to pick our a lunchbox.  This was a funny thing all around.  Asher, somehow, somewhere, had it in his mind that he wanted a metal lunchbox.  What in the world?  That's the kind I had when I went to school...a gazillion years ago, and it's not so easy to find them now.  So, the hunt for a metal one ensued...we looked everywhere, and finally found a Cars one he loved. Phew! He couldn't wait to proudly carry it to school. 
On his first day, Corey went in late to work so he could take him too.  Asher wanted waffles for breakfast, which I gladly made.  After that we all headed up to the school to drop him off.  He was really excited, and I was really nervous.  For the first couple of weeks, the kids were told to bring in a bear to do 'bear activities'.  And so, with Panda and the metal lunchbox in tow, we walked him to his classroom where the teacher handed us a folder with some nice sentiments for parents, and then we left him. I teared up a bit then, but kept it together. Mostly.  There was a quick orientation for Kinder parents in the cafeteria, then me and Beck started the drive back home.  That was when I cried a little more.  Beck wanted to know why I was sad...? Then he told me not to be sad, and that we could play games:) Playing games makes everything better, right?  Beck thought I was a bit silly in being sad and couldn't see why this was a problem at all.  It did make me laugh a little though:)  I really needed to toughen up though because not three hours later we were back at the school to join Asher for lunch! I'm so glad the teacher invited us...I'm not sure if Asher cared so much as I did! It was nice to see how he was doing. Oh, and on the first day, he came home with his bag and a balloon! Kindergarten, as it turns out, is really fun.


All in all, school has been great.  It does make it easier for me to drop take him to school when he actually wants to go.  There have been a few kids in his class that cry every day, and I can't imagine how much more difficult that would be, so for that I'm grateful! Also, his teacher invited all the parents to come eat lunch with the kids as many times as possible during the first two weeks...we went nearly every day, which was nice for me, and Beck loved it.  Beckett thinks going to school is pretty cool too, especially since he gets to bring his own lunchbox and play on the playground. Asher is happy, making lots of friends, loves recess and playing on the monkey bars, and after the first couple of weeks he informed me that I didn't need to walk him to his class and that he could do it by himself.  That brought a tear or two too, but I'm trying to be brave because he is doing just fine and loving every minute of being a big kid. Love my Asher.

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