This Dawson boy. He is such a treat. His awesome little personality is bursting forth a little more every day, and he's a fun one to be sure!
At 8 months, Dawson likes:
- Waving. He flops his hand up and down happily, or uses his whole arm to wave. Either way, it's really cute.
- Standing up. On everything. He pulls up to stand and can't believe how much better the view is from a couple of feet up.
- Saying "dadadada." Corey is loving it. I am missing momomomom, as he's not using that one so much anymore, but I'm betting it'll be back soon enough!
- Toys. His favorites are Elmo (he mauls him with love and wet kisses), the ABC musical toy on the fridge (he sits and bops up and down, dancing to the song).
- To explore. The gates have gone up. He will crawl everywhere he possible can and can even climb up the step to the front door. And he is speedy. The gates are a lifesaver, for both of us!
- Dancing. He is so so darn cute. Whether it's one of his toys playing music, or the family singing for Family Home Evening, he can't help but bounce and sway to the beat. It's a new favorite for sure.
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