Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sleepy Boy

Lately, when Asher is tired, he simply tells me so. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior for a 2 year old or not, but I am impressed by how well he knows what his little body needs. Sure, they can let us when they are hungry...that one's practically in the bag from birth. But this one surprises me each time he does it, and I can't help but laugh.

I mean, come on, if your tired, just say so!

P.S. As torturous as it appears, no children were hurt, saddened or kept from a much needed nap due the filming of this video.


Bella said...

awww that's so cute! And totally not normal! haha He's so cute! Hope you guys are doing well! We miss you guys already..can I come back? hah jk. Have a good day!

Alisha Joy said...

River use to do that too . . . NOT DIESEL! He will fight it till he falls over. So dang cute!

Danna said...

oh my goodness that is the funniest thing I have seen all day. I was laughing so hard. That is awesome that you actually captured it . . . even if it meant depriving him of his sleep. ha ha! Love you! Danna

The Albuquerque Sheps said...

Wow, that is so cute. Parker will deny that he is tired even when his head is bobbing and eyes are rolling into the back of his head. Too cute!

Becky said...

Hi Michelle! I'm so glad you found me! How are you?!!! Cute family!

Liz said...

Hey there stranger!! Your little dude is absolutley adorable!! I'm so glad you posted on my blog, I love "catching up" with old friends.

Yes, Alaska. Who would have ever thought?? Northern Exposure does portray the quirkiness of Alaska, for sure. It really is quite a different world up here, LOL!

brianna saban said...

oh my gosh that is THE CUTEST thing ever!!!
i totally know how he feels.
except when i am yelling, "sleep! sleep! sleep!" at my kids, they usually ignore me and expect me to continue on. not fair.

that was priceless.


* said...

Hello! I am glad you found our blog. It is so funny...if we ever have a boy we are going to name him Asher. Tyler has had the name picked out since our first daughter was born, 3 daughters later he still is keeping up hope. Poor guy.

The last year of law school went by SOOO fast! There are times I actually miss it. Crazy, I know.


* said...

Also I meant to ask you...is your husband related to the famous Reitz family from Evansville, IN? Back in the late 1800's early 1900's the Reitz family, he was a very wealthy lumber guy, moved to Evansville, IN and now there are like a million things named after them here..schools, streets, etc.

Cheryl J. said...

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How adorable!

Cheryl J. said...
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Becky said...

Is that a Black Lab I see at the top of your page?!