A little background:
As many of you know (and can obviously see), Corey is bald. Now, this isn't the typical and dreaded male-pattern baldness that everyone with a Y chromosome fears from the day they realize their grandpa went bald at 28. No, Corey has alopecia, which is his body's way of saying it doesn't want to waste time and energy on hair for a while. The look he currently sports was a result of his alopecia getting worse and worse during the final year of his undergrad (a result of extreme stress in my opinion), which caused him to finally shave it all off. I came home one day and ta-da...Corey and his brother, Adam, had decided to go for it. I think it looks great! And talk about low maintenance, wow! People always think he's really into swimming or something since he's so aerodynamic.
So, at work, he has displayed a picture or two of our wedding. Corey still had hair back then so people often think the pictures are of his brother. He thinks its pretty funny.
(Secretary walks into Corey's office and sees pictures.)
"Who's this?"
"Oh, that's me."
"Yeah. I have alopecia."
"So, all your hair fell out?"
"Your wife is pretty. Did she know that was going to happen to you?" (Nice, but he didn't exactly trick me into marrying him!)
"Yeah, she knew it was a possibility...she knew I had alopecia."
(Pause, as she stares at the pictures)
"Wow, you could have been on the Bachelor!"
(Very awkward pause follows.......end of conversation.)
Yes, crazy secretary lady, he could have been on "The Bachelor", except that I snagged him first! Hmph.
Ha ha. That is hilarious! Funny what people will say. Jerry heard through the grapevine at work a few years ago that someone had the hots for him and I quote...."Yeah, he's cute. Too bad he's mormon...and married." Nice!
fabulous story!! I was cracking up. She probably went home and told her husband "I said the worst thing at work today . . ."
So, so, so funny. I once had a "friend" tell me that she couldn't handle it if her husband went bald (after talking about how my husband was going bald) and then I told her I was really glad my husband wasn't fat (because her husband was... yes, a little fat).
Yes some people really haven't learned the rules of social conduct!
Well, at least through the very awkward conversation that never should have happened, she complimented both of you:) You guys are great!
HAHAHA!!! That is hilarious! I am glad you snagged him first!
What an idiot!
That is pretty funny. She is probably still trying to pull her foot out of her mouth. :-)
Corey's still hot!! in a completely, Im glad you snagged him sort of way!! Jeff's hotter but thats because he's mine ...wow! I needed an editing filter on me, too!! Those mormons they do come from good stock..as one of my non-lds freinds told me we breed well...She needs a filter too!! Well anywho Cheers!!
Corey's still hot!! in a completely, Im glad you snagged him sort of way!! Jeff's hotter but thats because he's mine ...wow! I needed an editing filter on me, too!! Those mormons they do come from good stock..as one of my non-lds freinds told me we breed well...She needs a filter too!! Well anywho Cheers!!
That's really funny! Bald is great though! My Jason just comes from a long line of hair loss and I remember when we finally decided to shave it all off. I love it!!!
That's hilarious! It's weird seeing pics of Corn dog with hair! I'm so used to his Lex Luther do that I barely remember him with hair. I have been known to stick my foot in my mouth many times! Glad to hear about Asher helping you out! It's so cute! We'll see you in little over a month!
That is hilarious! Bode (my son) has alopecia areata and he will grow a head of hair and then just loose it in random spots and then it will grow back and then fall out again. People actually think I cut it that way...yes I just get my razor out and pick a few spots on his head where I could shave it off. I think I would rather have the regular alopecia and just have it all gone.
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