Monday, August 25, 2008


Can I just say how much Asher makes me laugh? I knew this stage would be fun(ny) but I didn't know how much I would laugh. Here are some of the funny things he's done lately:

  • When I say "ouch" or Asher hears something fall down or I somehow hurt myself (the clutz that I truly am), Asher will come right up to me and say, "Are you okay Momma?" So cute and of course I am instantly cured.
  • At prayer time (meals, bedtime, etc.) Asher has decided that he should say every prayer AND that it should be the sacrament prayer. "Oh God, the Eternal Father..." He actually knows it fairly well, and he'll start with one for the bread, then one for the water. It's hilarious. They really pick up on everything they see and hear, don't they?
  • Every night when Corey gets home Asher is really excited and runs to the door. But, not for the reason you would think. Sure, he's glad that Corey is home, but the true draw is the lunch box that he brings with him. (Yep, Corey's a brown bagger, only, his is blue) Asher rummages through that thing so much zeal you'd think it was filled with candy or something. Usually he presents a piece of fruit (which Corey brings with good intentions but never eats) and eats it, sometimes sharing with Corey. Who knew a lunch box could be so cool.
  • He's learning manners (amazingly enough). He's great at saying 'thank you' and 'sorry' (sometimes he has to be reminded of that one), but my favorite is "exsqueeze me." When he bumps into me, burps or even has the hiccups we get to hear that one. I hope he never learns the real pronunciation.
  • He thinks he's a cat. Literally. Which is funny because Corey hates cats and is actually very allergic to them. Asher comes bouncing into my bedroom in the mornings when he wakes up...and he's meowing. Then when I pick him up he'll lick my face and even ask me to scratch his ears. We have actually had to start asking for 'little boy kisses' to make sure we don't get licked all the time.
But seriously, where do they come up with this stuff?

This is just a picture I came across that I never posted. Just the two of us went to the zoo, and we had a great time feeding the giraffe. Scary black tongues twirling towards you can be a little scary! It was really cool though.


Liz said...

Yes, where do they come up with their interesting thoughts and actions??!! I love exsqueeze me, that is adorable!

Danna said...

He is such a hoot! I can't wait to have those funny moments with my kids. Kids are are just too hillarious and innocent. I love it!

Melody said...

What a cutie Asher is! When's your next trip to AZ so we can meet him? :)

Stephen and Effie said...

That is what it is all about

Rachel said...

So cute! What a fun age!